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Top Class And Most Important Physics mcqs||Physics mcqs for all Tests

Important Physics mcqs:


1. Electric potential of earth is taken to be zero because the earth is good

ANSWER= (B) Conductor


2. The electric Flux through the surface of a sphere due to a charge "q" placed at its center depends upon

ANSWER= (D) The quantity of charge inside the sphere


3. Concept of electric field was given by

ANSWER= (B) Michael faraday


4. The fact that electric field exists in space around an electric charge is

ANSWER= (C) Intrinsic property of nature


5. The force experience by unit positive charge placed at a point in an electric field is called

ANSWER= (C) Electric field intensity


6. An ECG records the...... between points on human skin generated by electric process in the heart:

ANSWER= (A) Voltage


7. Electric field lines are closer where field is

ANSWER= (A) Strong


8. The electric field created by positive chrage is:

ANSWER= (D) Radially outward

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