cord blood solved mcqs for exams

 Cord Blood Solved MCQs For Exams


Cord Blood Solved MCQs For All Exams


1. What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?
(a) To carry nutrients
(b) To combat infection✔️
(c) To carry oxygen
(d) To give strength

2. Total volume of blood in a normal human being is
(a) 5-6 liters✔️
(b) 3-4 liter
(c) 8-10 liters
(d) 10-12 liters

3. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the
(a) liver
(b) Bone marrow✔️
(c) kidneys
(d) Heart

4. Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of
(a) hemoglobin
(b) Heparin✔️
(c) fibrin
(d) Plasma

5. The number of bones in the human body of an adult is approximately
(a) 210
(b) 250
(c) 206✔️
(d) Not fixed

6. Lungs are situated in the
(a) Abdominal cavity
(b) Pericardinal cavity
(c) Buccal cavity
(d) Thoracic cavity✔️

7. The pancreas secretes
(a) Insulin✔️
(b) Vitamin A
(c) Bile juice
(d) None of these

8. The seat of memory in the human brain is located in the
(a) Medulla oblongata
(b) Cerebrum
(c) Cortex✔️
(d) Cerebellum

9.Tibia is a bone found in the
(a) Skull
(b) arm
(c) Leg✔️
(d) Face

10. The strongest muscle in the human body is found in
(a) Hands
(b) buttocks✔️
(C) Neck
(d) Legs

11. The main function of the kidney is
(a) To control blood pressure
(b) To control body temperature
(c) To remove waste products from the body✔️
(d) To help in digestion of food

12. Agene is a
(a) Sleep inducing drug
(b) Unit of heredity✔️
(c) A kind of vitamin
(a) A type of body cell

Cord Blood Solved MCQs For All Exams

13. The function of hemoglobin is
(a) To transport oxygen✔️
(b) Destruction of bacteria
(c) Prevention of anemia
(d) Utilization of energy

14. A vegetable containing sulphur is?
(a) Potato
(b) Cabbage✔️
(c) Bingil
(d) Pumpkin

15. Enzymes help in
(a) Respiration
(b) Digestion of food✔️
(c) Immune system
(d) Reproduction

16. Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the
(a) Salivary glands ✔️
(b) Pituitary glands
(c) Thyroid glands
(d) Pancreas

17. Heightened emotion is caused by
(a) Pituitary glands
(b) Thyroid glands
(c) Adrenal glands ✔️
(d) Salivary glands

18. The shortest bone in the human body is
(a) Vertebrae
(b) Stapes✔️
(c) Phalanges
(d) Metacarpals

19. A balanced diet contains
(a) Animal protein on
(b) Macro and micro nutrients
(c) Food nutrients for growth and maintenance✔️
(d) Butter and ghee

20. Wisdom teeth normally grow between the age of
(a) 34-40
(b) 17-30✔️
(c) 45-55
(d) 10-17

21. ‘Dossier’ means
(a) The do of medicine
(b) The actual thing
(c) Relevant papers✔️
(d) Unarranged papers

22. Lack of ___________ causes diabetes
(a) Sugar
(b) Insulin✔️
(c) Calcium
(d) Vitamins

23. Biopsy is done on
(a) Tissue taken from a dead body
(b) Tissue taken from a living body✔️
(c) Blood from veins
(d) Blood from arteries

24. Triple antigen vaccine is given to children to protect them against
(a) Diphtheria
(b) Tetanus
(c) Pertussis
(d) All above✔️

Cord Blood Solved MCQs For All Exams

25. Aman weighing 96 kg consists approximately_____________ liters of water
(a) 50 liters
(b) 66.5 liters✔️
(c) 82 liters
(d) 42 liters

26. What does blood consists of?
(a) 55% plasma, 45% corpuscles✔️
(b) 40% plasma, 60% corpuscles
(c) 25% plasma, 75% corpuscles
(d) 90% plasma, 10% corpuscles

27. Pituitary gland is located just below the
(a) Brain✔️
(b) Heart
(c) Liver
(d) Kidney

28. Mother’s milk lacks:
1.Vitamin D
3 Sodium
4. Iron
(a) 1 and 3
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 4✔️
(d) 2 and 4

29. During sleep a man’s blood pressure:
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remains constant
(d) Fluctuates✔️

30. A victim of a road accident order the steps in first aid:
1. Treating for cardiac arrest
2. Treating for asphyxia
3. Treating for shock
4. Arrest hemorrhage
5. Cleanse and cover wounds
(a) 1,2,3,4,5 ✔️
(b) 2, 1,4,3,5
(c) 2,3,1,4,5
(d) 5,2,1,3,4

31. Why do we feel drowsy after a heavy meal?
(a) The biological clock is upset
(b) The body muscles are fatigued
(c) The hypothalamus produces melatonin to induce sleep
(d) Brain receives less oxygen as blood rushes to supply oxygen and nutrition to the contracting stomach and intestines✔️

32. Ready source of energy available for athletes is
(a) Carbohydrates✔️
(b) Fats
(c) Proteins
(d) Vitamins

33. Chromosomes are:
(a) Present only in the nucleus of a cell
(b) The biggest in number in human cells
(c) Made up of DNA as a main component✔️
(d) Visible in all cells at every time

34.The part of the cell which is essential for protein synthesis is:
(a) Chloroplast
(b) Ribosomes✔️
(c) Golgi bodies
(d) Chromosomes

35. short sightedness is due to:
(a) Shifting of the iris
(b) Weaker muscles
(c) Elongation of eye balls✔️
(d) Weakening of the retina

Cord Blood Solved MCQs For All Exams

36. There are approximately _______ muscles in human body.
(a) 200
(b) 350
(c) 500
(d) 700✔️

37. The organ which destroys worn out RBCs in the body of a vertebrate is:
(a) Pancreas
(b) liver
(c) Bone marrow
(d) Spleen✔️

38. The saliva helps in the digestion of:
(a) Proteins
(b) Fats
(c) Fibers
(d) Starch✔️

39. Biological death of a patient means death of tissues of the
(a) Kidney
(b) Heart
(c) Lungs
(d) Brain✔️

40. Which of the following hormones contains iodine?
(a) Adrenaline
(b) Insulin
(c) Testosterone
(d) Thyroxin✔️

41. Respiratory center is situated in:
(a) Cerebrum
(b) Cerebellum
(c) Medulla oblongata ✔️
(d) Diencephalon

42. In which form glucose is stored in the liver?
(a) Lactic acid
(b) Lactose
(c) Ribose
(d) Glycogen✔️

43. Which of the following glands in human body is popularly called ‘Adam’s apple’?
(a) Adrenal
(b) Pituitary
(c) Thyroid✔️
(d) Thymus

44. In human body, the leg bones are:
(a) Humerus and Femur
(b) Fibula and Tibia✔️
(c) Fibula and Ulna
(d) Tibia and Radius

Cord Blood Solved MCQs For All Exams

45. Deficiency of calcium in children leads to?
(a) Anemia
(b) Tetany
(c) Scurvy
(d) Rickets✔️

46. Antibodies are?
(a) carbohydrates
(b) Enzymes
(c) proteins ✔️
(d) Hormones

47. Insulin, a protein acts as?
(a) Carbohydrates
(c) Proteins✔️
(b) A hormone
(d) A transport agent

48. The largest living bird is (PMS 2006)
(a) Duck
(b) ostrich ✔️
(c) Peacock
(d) dodo

49. Which of the following is known ‘graveyard of RBCs’?
(a) Liver
(b) bone marrow
(c) Spleen✔️
(d) Appendix

50. The glands of the body which pour their secretions directly into the blood stream are known as:
(a) Exocrine glands
(b) Endocrine glands✔️
(c) Heteroclite glands
(d) Compound glands




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