#computer mcqs

Important Computer MCQs For PPSC
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Important Computer MCQs For PPSC

 Important Computer mcqs For PPSC   Important Computer MCQs For PPSC , FPSC, NTS   1. In MS Word, which view shows margins and the rulers? (a) Normal (b) Page Layout✔ (c) Page Setup (d) Review 2. In Excel, you can sort data in (a) Ascending order (b) Descending order (c) Both A and B✔…

top 100 keyboard shortcuts
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top 100 keyboard shortcuts

 Key board Shortcuts   top 100 keyboard shortcuts   Important Keyboard Shortcuts for all exams   Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) 1.CTRL +C (Copy) 2. CTRL + X (Cut) 3. CTRL + V (Paste) 4. CTRL + Z (Undo) 5.DELETE (Delete) 6. SHIFT + DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the…

C/C++/C# Important mcqs for FPSC,PPSC,NTS
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C/C++/C# Important mcqs for FPSC,PPSC,NTS

  C C++ C# MCQs    Very Important ‘C’ Language MCQs   Q1: Which of the following is the correct statement for the following declaration? const int *ptr. ► ptr is a constant pointer ► ptr is constant integer pointer ► ptr is a constant pointer to int ► ptr is a pointer to const…

Lecturer Computer Science || لیکچرار کمپیوٹر مکمل حل شدہ پیپر
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Lecturer Computer Science || لیکچرار کمپیوٹر مکمل حل شدہ پیپر

  Lecturer Computer Science Fully Solved Paper    لیکچرار کمپیوٹر مکمل حل شدہ پیپر         Fully Solved Paper Of PPSC Lecturer Computer Science With Answers only on mcqs warehouse. 

Most Important Terms Of Computer||Computer Abbreviations for Tests
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Most Important Terms Of Computer||Computer Abbreviations for Tests

Computer Abbreviations For PPSC,FPSC,NTS Tests     VDU stands for Visual Display Unit One kilobyte is approximately 1000 bytes DOS stands for Disk Operating System (Word Star) is a popular Words processing program WORD STAR was developed by Micro pro Company PC stands for Personal Computer ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit The VDU and…