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Naib Tehsildar PPSC Complete Solved Paper|| نائب تحصیلدار حل شدہ پیپر


PPSC  Past  Solved  Paper  of  Naib  Tehsildar


Naib Tehsildar Paper 2012:


1-Who is the present president of Cuba? Rahul Castro
2-Noralmarki is the president of ? Iraq
3-Clash of civilization is written by ? Samuel Huntington
4-War and Peace is written by?  Leo Tolstoy
5-Pride and prejudice is written by? jane Austin
6-India Wins Freedom Is written by? Abu ul Kalam azad
7-Who was the chief editor of “Zamindar? Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
8-Simon Commission Held in? 1927
9-Who was the Viceroy in !927? Lord Irwin
10-First viceroy of the subcontinent was? Lord Canning
11-Last viceroy of subcontinent? Lord Mountbatten
12-In which state Obama belongs To ? illionso state
13-When WTO formed? 1995
14-Stainless Steel is the alloy of ? copper and zinc
15-How many colors are there is spectrum? 7
16-Which player has Highest score in TEst cricket? Sachin Tendulker
17-NATO stands for? North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
18-Where is the greatest and longest wall of earth? China
19-Where is Leaning Tower of Pissa? Italy
20-Who presented Theory of relativity? Einstein
21-When DR. Abdul salam Received noble prize? 1979
22-Pancilin was discovered by ? fleming
23-What is the actual time of rotation of earh? 23hours 56min 4sec
24-Olympics 2000 took place in which city? Sydney
25-Who was the first president of Muslim League? sir Agha Khan
26- Who is the president of India? Parthiba patel
27–BAn ki Mon Belongs TO which country? South Korea
28-Brief Histroy of Time is written by?
29-What is Black Hole? Hypothetical region in spaceFear of open places/ public places
30-Which are the two gases that we exale more than we inhale? oxgen and carbon
31-Agoraphobia? Fear of open places/ public places
32-Prime Minster of UK is ? Gordon Brown
33- How many members are there is EU? 27
34-OIC came into Existence? 1969
35-HOw many states are there in USA? 50
36-SAARC headquarters? Kathmandu
37-Friends Not Masters is Written by .  Gen.Ayub
38-Total members of Commonwealth? 53
39-In 1946 Who Presented poor mans budget? Liaqat Ali Khan
40-Allam Iqbal delivered Khutba Allahab on ? Oct-1930
41-UNO established on? 24th oct-1945
42-Where is the headquarters of International Court of Justice? Hague
43-HIjrat Madina Was took place in ? 622 AD
44-Toatal numbers of Ghazwat? 27
45-Surah Without Bismillah? Surah Tauba
46-Anarkali Is wriiten by? Imtiaz Ali Taj
47-RAja Ghidh Is written by? Bano Qudsiya
48-How many lines are there in MA-sud-dus? 6
49-Shikwa IQbal’s Famous poem Is in whcih book?  Baang-e-Dira
50-HAj performed by holy prophet on ? 10hij
51-Shanama ISlam is written by ? Hafeez Jalandhari
52-Origin Of Specie Is written by? Charles Darwin
53- Partition of Bengal Took place in ? 1905
54-Suez Canal Connects ?  Medi and red sea
55- which poet was famous for Masnavi? Mir Hassan
56. Muhammad Iqbal 1st book in persian?I srar e Khudi
57-temple tree house is the official residence of?
pm of Sri Lanka
59-ping pong is the name of which game?
table tennis
60- normal heart beat of adult is?
61-which gas is lightest?
62-the important impact of inflation?
decrease the value of currency
63-smallest ocean is?
64- longest land boundary between two countries?
u.s.a and Canada
65-cortes is the parliament of?
66- who many time the world zakat come in Quran?
67- who many time the word zakat come in Quran with namaz?
68- 7th month of Islamic calendar?
69- when the complete orders among zakat announced?
9 hijra
70-sharia announced who many kind of people who are able to get zakat?
71-in which sura the orders of zakat described?
sura tuba
72-four classes of zakat payer?
metals, trading goods, animals, agriculture products
73-who is the writer of kitabul khiraj?
imam Abu Yusuf
74-zakat derived from tazkiya meaning?
to purify
75-the time period of tehsil committee member is?
3 years
76- which section of constitution of Pakistan gives protection of zakat
Zakat & Usher Ordinance 1980
77- district zakat committee created under which section ?
78- who mange the account of federal zakat council?
administrative general
79-auditor general gives his report to?
80-total members of local committee?
81-when zakat ordinance promulgated?
20 June 1980
82-zakat is applicable on who many goats?
83- the usher of artificial land is?
84- the usher of natural land is?
85-the criteria of chairman of central council
ex or in service judge of supreme court
86- who many women members in federal council?
87-administrator general is also?
sectary of religious affairs
88- which people cannot get zakat?
parents, children, etc
89- who appointed district chairman?
provincial council
90-the people who collect zakat are called?
91-mualafatil quloob are?
new and needy Muslim
92- what meant of d-day?
day upon which some significant event will occur or has occurred

93:How many prophets are mention in Holy Quran? (25)

94. Name of the sixth kalimah? (Raddi Kufar)
95. Who was the commander of the infidels in Battle of Uhd? (Abu Sufyan)
96. The famous book of Fiqh ” Kitab-ul-Kharaj” was written by?
97. When the truce of Hudaibiya took place?
98. How many Asma-Al-Husna in last two verse of sura ” Al-Hashe”? (10)
99. ayat of Quran confirm the Islam Religion is a complete religion? (Surah Nahal)
100. Important event occur in 2 hjiri in Ramadan?ghazwa badar

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