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Most Important Terms Of Computer||Computer Abbreviations for Tests

Computer Abbreviations For PPSC,FPSC,NTS Tests



VDU stands for Visual Display Unit
One kilobyte is approximately 1000 bytes
DOS stands for Disk Operating System
(Word Star) is a popular Words processing program
WORD STAR was developed by Micro pro Company
PC stands for Personal Computer
ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit
The VDU and Keyboard together form a TERMINAL
The speed of the dot matrix printers is measured by CPS which stands for characters per second
The speed of the line printers is measured by LPM which stands for Lines per second
DBMS stands for Database Management System
IBM is a famous computer Company. IBM stands for International Business Machines Corporation
ROM stands for Read Only Memory
The actual machine of the computer is commonly known as Hardware
The programs run on the computer are commonly known as Software
All the output which is printed on paper is called Hard Copy
The most number of pixels on a computer screen determines a screes’s Resolution
A processor’s speed is measured in Megahertz
A software that assists the computer in performing instructions,is called as system software
CAM stands for Computer Aided Manufacturing
DPI stands for Dots per Inch
DTP stands for Desk Top Publishing
EPROM stands for erasable and Programmable Read only Memory
A magnetic storage disk made out of a thin piece of plastic is called Floppy Disk
A pictorial representation of the step by step sequence for solving a problem is known as a Flow Chart
A measure of storage capacity equal to one thousand megabytes is one Gigabyte
A variable whose value is accessible throughout the program is called Global Variable
A huge, worldwide network of computers that communicate with each other ,allowing global communications between users is known popularly known as Internet
KB stands for Kilobyte
LAN stands for Local Area Network
A printer which uses light to transfer the image to paper is the Laser Printer
Memory which retains all its contents even after the power is turned off is known as Non-Volatile Memory
The result that is generated and provided by the computer after processing. And also the information provided to it is known as Output
Electronic mail is more popularly known as E-Mail

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