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Librarian Solved mcqs

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Librarian Solved mcqs Paper


… Here You Can Find A Complete And Comprehensive Librarian Solved mcqs Paper. Let’s Prepare Yourself For PPSC,FPSC Librarian Paper By Preparing These mcqs…



1. The organization that owns all the copyrights of DDC is.......

ANSWER= (A) OCLC (Online Computer Library Center)


2. The 1st edition Of DDC was published in the year....... :

ANSWER= (B) 1876


3. 'The Punjab Library Prime',a book on Library Science ,was written by....:

ANSWER= (B) Asa Don Dickinson


4. The national library is situated in which country? :

ANSWER= (A) India


5. Liaquat Memorial Library is situated in.....:

ANSWER= (B) Karachi


6. Clay Tables of ancient 'Mesopotemia' have been preserved in.....:

ANSWER= (A) British Museum


7. 2nd Table Of DDC Deals With...... :

ANSWER= (A) Area


8. 'WAN' Stands For...... :

ANSWER= (D) Wide Area Network


9. 'Pinakes' was a/an? :

ANSWER= (C) Library Catalogue


10. 'ISBD' was developed by?:



11. 'Bibliography' is...... Word :

ANSWER= (C) A Greek


12. 'Bibliomania' means......:

ANSWER= (A) Passionate enthusiasm for collecting and processing books


13. 'Bibliophobia' isa term used for a person who scares of...... :

ANSWER= (C) Books


14. The term 'bibliopole' is used fora person who deals in.....:

ANSWER= (B) Secondhand and rare books


15. 'Bibliotherapy' means?:

ANSWER= (C) Treating of patients by using reading material


16. Bio-Bibliography means?:

ANSWER= (C) A List of work written about an author


17. 'Retrospective' bibliography reocords? :

ANSWER= (A) Previous years books


18. Biblioclast is a person who..... :

ANSWER= (B) Destroys Books for one reason or the other


19. Biblioholism is a habit where a person....... :

ANSWER= (D) Loves to purchase,read,store admire books in excess


20. 'Biblioklept' is the one who? :

ANSWER= (B) Steals books from library


21. Bibliology is the science that studies...... :

ANSWER= (B) Books from their origins in human society


22. 'Xerographic' process is categorised under?:

ANSWER= (B) Reflex method


23. The 'study abroad' is a/an? :

ANSWER= (D) Handbook


24. The 'User Profile' is a:

ANSWER= (D) Statement of user information


25. Phoenix schedules are part of :



26. 'Universal Bibliographical Control' is a programme of:



27. The standard size of catalogue card is :

ANSWER= (A) 12.5cm x 7.5cm


28. The standard size of a catalogue card in inches :

ANSWER= (A) 5 inch x 3 inch


29. 'RDA' related to:

ANSWER= (B) Cataloguing


30. 'ASK' Stands For:

ANSWER= (D) Approach,Skill,Knowledge


31. 'ASK' principle is related to :

ANSWER= (B) Management


32. The Subject of 'Research Methodology' is the outcome of the mode of formation of subject ,known as :

ANSWER= (C) Distillation


33. 'IIA' founded in U.S.A In 1968 stands for :

ANSWER= (D) Institute of Information Association


34. 'BSO' in classification stands for :

ANSWER= (B) Broad Subect Ordering


35. The Concept of 'SDI' Stands For :

ANSWER= (A) Selective Dissemination Of Information


36. 'SDI' Concept was introduced by :



37. 'Library Administration' was brought out by Ranganathan in:

ANSWER= (D) 1935


38. The term 'Lexicography' is associated with :

ANSWER= (C) Compilation of dictionaries


39. A pre print is a a/an :

ANSWER= (D) Both a and b


40. Binary systems of numbers uses only :

ANSWER= (A) Two digits


41. 'RSS' feed is a tool of :

ANSWER= (C) Web 2.0


42. ...... is an inportant record of books,which shows position of any book on shelves :

ANSWER= (D) Shelf list


43. Books lost from the library are known through :

ANSWER= (A) Stock verification


44. 'LA' is the library association of :

ANSWER= (C) Great Britain


45. 'Fair use' is the norm for determining the legality of :

ANSWER= (B) Protocopying an entire book


46. Reference service of a library in the conventional form is processed in following stages :

ANSWER= (A) Preparation,Service,assimilation


47. On which of the following technologies semantic web is not based :

ANSWER= (C) Cloud sending


48.The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) belongs to......... :

ANSWER= (D) 5th generation computer


49. Computer memory is measured in........ :

ANSWER= (D) All of the above


50. 'ASCII' has how many codes:

ANSWER= (A) 256


51. ڈی ڈی سی کی سمریاں ہیں:



52. ڈی ڈی سی کی علامت ہیں :

ANSWER= (A) منفی


53. لائبریری کی چابی ہے :

ANSWER= (B) کیٹا لاگ


54. مضبوط جلد کو کہتے ہیں :

ANSWER= (D) Hard binding


55. ہاتھ سے لکھی ہوئی کتاب کو کہتے ہیں :

ANSWER= (D) مخطوطہ


56. جس شعبہ سے کتابیں جاری اور واپس ہوتی ہیں :

ANSWER= (D) کتابی مواد


57. ڈی ڈی سی کے مطابق سائنس کا نمبر ہے :

ANSWER= (A) 500


58. 'Biblion' کے لفظی معنی ہیں :

ANSWER= (C) کتاب


59.کاغذ ایجاد ہوا؟ :

ANSWER= (A) 105ء


60. لائبریری سائنس ہے :

ANSWER= (C) علم اور فن



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