Biology mcqs For Entry Test || Biology mcqs
Biology Top mcqs For Entry Tests
1. Where are the essential proteins and lipids required for cell membrane, manufactured? :
2. __________ coined the term '' cell'':
3. ___________ is called the energy currency of the cell. :
4. Which plastids are colourless? :
5. __________ is called the powerhouse of cell. :
6. __________ is not found in xylem tissues. :
7. The nodes of Ranvier are found in:
8. The function of dismantling and recycling in a cell is undertaken by :
9. Rapid elongation of a bamboo stem is due to :
10. Which of the following is connective tissue? :
11. Most paramecium move with the help of ___________. :
12. __________ is an example of an ovoviviparous animal :
13. The following is not an oviparous animal:
14. Funaria belongs to the division :
15. ________ have cell walls made of chitin :
16. Algea and fungi are in the division ___________ :
17. __________ are saprophytic, eukaryotic organisms.:
18. Identify the correct statement. :
19. The following is not an viviparous animal. :
20. Which of the following animals possess a vascular system. :
21. The level of organization that is less definite in plant is:
22. The scientific name of mustard plant:
23. Study at tissue level helps in the understanding of :
24. Many tissues join to form:
25. Most abundant component of a living organism is :
26. Scientific knowledge is the common heritage of mankind. It is the study of famous scientist named? :
27. Process which occurs in large intestine is:
28. Example of conjugated molecules is :
29. The most famous book of Bu Ali Sina is:
30. The microscopic study of tissues is called :
31. Example of plant tissue is :
32. Division of labour is not present in:
33. Colonial organization can be observed in :
34. In man plasmodium multiple in the:
35. In every portion of two ratios are :
36. Data is organised in different formats like :
37. Malaria effects the functioning of :
38. In sparrows plasmodium spreads through :
39. Which animal does not possess the ability to produce offspring :
40. Viruses are assigned to the Kingdom:
41. Each rank of classification is called :
42. Mustard belongs to Kingdom:
43. Cell wall of prokaryotes is made up of :
44. __________ is present between cell membrane and nuclear membrane. :
45. Which of these materials is not a component of the plasma membrane. :
46. Nucleus is called :
47. Animal cell will burst in:
48. The radiation source in compound microscope is :
49. The outermost membrane of an animal cell is:
50. Chromoplasts are found in :
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