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Appraising Valuation Officer mcqs

  Appraising Valuation Officer Full Paper Solved 


Appraising Valuation Officer Full Preparation Guide 



1.Adam Sani is title of which Prophet?
(A) Hazrat Adam (A.S)
(B) Hazrat Nooh (A.S) ✔️
(C) Hazrat Shoaib (AS)
(D) None of these

2.Molvi Tameezuddin was:
(A) Former President
(B) Former PM ✔️
(C) Former Foreign Minister
(D) Former Speaker of National Assembly

3.How many countries participated in Street Child World Cup?
(A) 16
(B) 24 ✔️
(C) 18
(D) 26

4.The SI unit of charge is:
(A) Ampere
(B) Joule
(C) Pascal
(D) Coulomb ✔️

5.which country announced to host national flag all mosques to promote patriotism of
(B) Kazakhstan
(C) Both A and B
(D) China ✔️

6. The most abundant element in the Universe:
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Hydrogen ✔️
(C) Oxygen
(D) None of these

7. Most abundant element in earth’s crust:
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Oxygen ✔️
(D) None of these

8. Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is:
(A) 5-6 liters ✔️
(B) 3-4 liters
(C) 8-10 liters
(D) 10-12 liters

9. Single spacing causes paint line spacing in MS Word Document
(A) 10
(B) 14
(C) 16
(D) 12 ✔️

10. Default number of lines to drop for drop cap is?
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 3 ✔️

11. How many breathes an adult take each day?
(A) 10,000 to 15,000
(B) 20,000 – 25,000
(C) 25,000 to 30.000
(D) 15,000 to 20.000 ✔️

12. Files on Disk located by:
(A) Text log
(B) Program
(C) Root Folder ✔️
(D) None of these

13. Which color line indicates the word is repeated in MS Word?
(A) Red Line
(B) Yellow Line
(C) Blue Line ✔️
(D) Green line

14.   ……..is selected to shade word and paragraphs.
(A) Formation
(B) Border and Formation
(C) Formation, border and shading ✔️
(D) None of these

15. Which button allows add, change or remove edit data source:
(A) Push Button
(B) Edit Button
(C) Split Button
(D) None of these ✔️

16. Bhutto hanged in murder case of:
(A) Nawab Muhammad Raza
(B) Muhammad Ilyas
(C) Nawab Zulfiqar Ali
(D) Nawab Muhammad Ahmed Raza ✔️

17. Fateh – Mubeen is the second name of
(A) Fatah e Makkah
(B) Sulah Hudabiyya ✔️
(C) Baite Ugba Ullah
(D) None of these

18. The president of Female New York exchange:
(A) Stacey Cunningham ✔️
(B) Arianna Huffington
(C) Hilary Clinton
(D) Cynthia Nixon

19. In which country plane crashed and 110 passengers were killed?
(A) Russia
(B) Cuba ✔️
(C) France
(D) Yemen

20. In which country 225 flight were delayed?
(A) Pakistan
(B) Indonesia
(D) India ✔️

21. Which country police start anti-bagging carripaign and 78 beggars were arrested:
(A) UAE ✔️
(B) Indonesia
(C) Pakistan
(D) India

22. Street Child World Championship winner:
(A) Afghanistan
(B) Kazakhistan
(C) Uzbekistan ✔️
(D) Turkmenistan

23. Heads of Zakat are mentioned in which Surah?
(A) Surah Tauba ✔️
(B) Surah Muzamil
(C) Surah Al Noor
(D) Surah Yaseen

24. In which Surah Prophet’s name Ahmed come?
(A) Al Noor
(B) Al Feel
(C) As Saf ✔️
(D) None of these

25. Deficiency of Vitamin D causes:
(A) Rickets ✔️
(B) Scurvy
(C) Both a &b
(D) None of these

26. Deficiency of vitamin A causes:
(A) Rickets
(B) Scurvy
(C) Night Blindness ✔️
(D) None of these

27. Long sight defect could be corrected using lens
(A) Concave
(B) Convex ✔️
(C) both a &b
(D) None of these

28. Who was the author of Tarjaman ul Quran?
(A) Muhammad Ali Johar
(B) Altaf Hussain Hali
(C) Zafar ullah Khan
(D) Abdul Kalam Azad ✔️

29. British Indian Association 1866 by:
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan ✔️
(C) Abdul Kalam Azad
(B) Altaf Hussain Hali
(D) None of these

30. Imam Abu Hanifa was born in
(A) 60 AH
(B) 70 AH
(C) 80 AH ✔️
(D) 50 AH

31. Which social networking website deleted fake accounts in first 3 months of 2018?
(A) Google
(B) Yahoo
(C) Facebook ✔️
(D) Twitter

32. Radioactive radiations were discovered by:
(A) Becquerel ✔️
(B) Zuckerberg
(C) Stephen Hawking
(D) None of these

33. LIGO detected
(A) Gravitational waves ✔️
(B) Longitudinal waves
(C) Transverse waves
(D) None of these

34. Which Pakistani issue was discussed in the Summit of NAM 19987
(A) Poverty
(B) Unemployment
(C) Corruption
(D) Kashmir problem ✔️

35. Which South African Player recently announced retirement?
(A) Faf du Plessis
(B) Imran Tahir
(C) Hashim Amla
(D) AB DE Villiers ✔️

36. In test match with Pakistan how many lang player debut in test cricket?
(A) 10 ✔️
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) 9

37. Prince Harry married to:
(A) Meghan David
(B) Gemma Artetton
(C) Meghan Markel ✔️
(D) None of these

38. Military Plane crashed in 2018:
(A) Algeria ✔️
(B) Nigeria
(C) Africa
(D) None of these

39. Female Deputy Governer of Kabul capital:
(A) Malalai Joya
(B) Fawzia Koofi
(C) Habiba Sarabi
(D) Munira Yousaf Zai ✔️

40. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called:
(A) Condenser Microphone
(B) Transducer
(C) Battery ✔️
(D) None of these

41. A Sun is a:
(A) Planet
(B) Star ✔️
(c) both a &b
(D) None of these

42. Hazrat Younas stayed in Fish:
(A) 45 days
(B) 14 days
(C) 40 days ✔️
(D) 35 days

43. What is the total length of Pakistan and Iran Border
(A) 720 km
(B) 2252 km
(C) 909 km ✔️
(D) None of these

44. The lifespan of red blood cells is:
(A) 90 days
(B) 100 days
(c) 150 days
(D) 120 days ✔️

45. Which social media website delete inappropriate videos:
(A) Daily Motion
(B) Instagram
(C) YouTube ✔️
(D) None of these

46. Which country has built largest Air Purifier to fight pollution?
(A) India
(B) Iran
(C) China ✔️
(D) None of these

47. Pakistan teenager conducted coin toss on FIFA World Cup match between Costa Rica and?
(A) Brazil ✔️
(B) Germany
(C) Japan
(D) France

48. Who won FIFA World Cup 2018?
(A) Russia
(B) France ✔️
(C) Germany
(D) Brazil

49. Unit of Pressure is:
(A) Pascal ✔️
(B) Ampere
(C) Coulomb
(D) None of these

50. President of Turkey belong to which political party?
(A) Judicial and Development Party
(B) Justice and Development Party ✔️
(C) Justice and Developing Party
(D) None of these

51. China Rank in world happiness Index in the world is
(A) 86th ✔️
(B) 85th
(C) 84th
(D) 80th

52. World highest score by England in one-day International cricket is:
(A) 381
(B) 351
(C) 581
(D) 481 ✔️

53. Life span of white blood cells is:
(A) 2 days
(B) 4 days
(C) 6 days
(D) 13 days ✔️

54. X ray, is invented by
(A) Roentgen ✔️
(B) Stephen Hawking
(C) Fleming
(D) Pasture

55. How many Pakistanis are the member of British Parliament?
(A) 10 Members
(B) 12 Members ✔️
(C) 9 Members
(D) 13 Members

56. Which device is used for measuring high temperature?
(A) Barometer
(B) Pyrometer ✔️
(C) Thermometer
(D) None of these

57. Queen Elizabeth celebrated her birthday
(A) 91
(B) 92 ✔️
(C) 82
(D) None of these

58. When the Qibla Shifted from Ball-ul-Muqadas to Masjid-ul-Haram?
(A) 3 Hijiri
(B) 4′ Hijri
(C) 8 Hijri
(D) 2nd Hijri ✔️

59. Which country allowed women for driving recently?
(A) Malaysia
(B) Indonesia
(C) Saudi-Arabia ✔️
(D) None of these

60. Which country field a lawsuit against US sanctions inter court?
(A) Afghanistan
(B) Iran ✔️
(C) India
(D) China

61. Range of Newly Tested Missile Ababeel is?
(A) 2100 kms
(B) 2400 kms
(C) 2200 kms ✔️
(D) 2400 kms

62. How to open the file in Microsoft word?
(A) Ctrl + O ✔️
(B) Ctrl + D
(C) Ctrl + U
(D) None of these

63. Ctrl + S used in Microsoft word is to
(A) Save a document ✔️
(C) Delete the Document
(B) Add the Document
(D) None of these

54 CNG stands for
(A) Compound Natural Gas
(B) Complete Natural Gas
(C) Compressed-Natural Gas ✔️
(D) None of these

65. Zakat Ration on wealth is:
(A) 3.5
(B) 2.5 ✔️
(C) 4.5
(D) 1.5

66: Which from the following is not a conductor?
(A) Aluminum
(B) Silicon ✔️
(C) Both a & b
(D) None of these

67. Which one from the following will freeze in last?
(A) Sea Water ✔️
(B) Cannel Water
(C) River Water
(D) None of these

68. When white light passes through a prism, it splits into how many colors?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7 ✔️
(D) 8

69. The speed of light is:
(A) 300000 km/s ✔️
(B) 310000 km/s
(C) 320000 km/s
(D) None of these

70. Who is the current Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan?
(A) Rustam Shah
(B) 11 Chandrigar
(C) Tariq Azizuddin
(D) Omar Zakhilwal ✔️

71. Last Asia Cup held in which year?
(A) 2016
(B) 2017
(C) 2018 ✔️
(D) None of these

72. X+ 1/x = 2, what is the value to X?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) None of these ✔️

73. What is selected by pressing F8 key thrice in MS word?
(A) Sentence
(B) Paragraph
(C) both a &b
(D) None of these ✔️

74. Ghazwa e Badar occurred in which Hijri year?
(A) 2 AH ✔️
(B) 3 AH
(C) 5 AH
(D) None of these

75. Neelum river is the tributary of which river?
(A) Chenab River
(B) Sutlej River
(C) River Bias
(D) Jhelum ✔️

76. The Ceasefire line in Kashmir was drawn in?
(A) 1949 ✔️
(B) 1951
(C) 1947
(D) 1948

77. Devolution plan was presented by General Pervaiz Musharraf in the year?
(A) 1999
(B) 2002
(C) 2000 ✔️
(D) 2001

78. After Pakistan China is close sign on agreement on economic corridor with which country?
(A) Myanmar ✔️
(B) Lybia
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of these

79. The Prime Object of punishment is:
(A) Deterrence ✔️
(B) To Destroy
(C) To Hurt
(D) None of these

80. Great Virtue means
(A) Self-love
(B) Justice
(C) Social Thinking ✔️
(D) None of these

81. On the Day if Hudaibiyah, who came being chained?
(A) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(B) Hazrat Jafar (RA)
(C) Hazrat Abu Jandul ✔️
(D) None of these

82. The densest substance on the earth is
(A) Platinum
(B) Copper
(C) Osmium ✔️
(D) None of these

83. A camera uses a form on image
(A) Convex ✔️
(B) Concave Lens
(c) Condenser Lens
(D) None of these

84. Which from the following is true for “sound”?
(A) Sound cannot travel through a vacuum ✔️
(B) Sound cannot travel through gasses
(C) Sound cannot travel through liquids
(D) Sound cannot travel through solids

85. 1 nanometer =
(A) 10 meter
(B) 10 meter
(C) 10 meter ✔️
(D) 10-meter

86. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is
(A) Pyro scope
(B) Pyrometer ✔️
(C) seismograph
(D) Cyclometer

87. The fluid part of blood is known as
(A) Plasma ✔️
(B) Platelets
(C) Blood cells
(D) None of these

88. During Winter in cold countries the is mixed to melt the ice icy roads.
(A) Salt ✔️
(B) Chlorine
(C) Carbon
(D) water

89. Style sets are stored in
(A) Quick Style gallery ✔️
(B) Designs
(C) Documents
(D) None of these

90. The effect of CTRL + Z in MS Word repeat last action:
(A) Paste the contents from clipboard
(B) Undo the last action ✔️
(C) Redo the last Action
(D) Add the new page

91. In a regular hexagram, the sum of the interior angles is:
(A) 360°
(B) 540
(C) 720 ✔️
(D) 180°

92. 2×1 + 2 + 1 = 320, then x is equal to
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 7 ✔️
(D) 10

93. The outer diameter of metal pipe is 2.84 inch and the inner diameter is 1.94 inches, the thickness of the metal is?
(A) 0.75
(B) 0.80
(C) 0.90 ✔️
(D) 2.39

94. Diamond is allotropic form of
(A) Graphite
(B) Carbon ✔️
(c) Both a & B
(D) None of these

95. Who is the captain of Pakistani Women Cricket Team?
(A) Bismah Maroof ✔️
(B) Sana Mir
(C) Nain Abdi
(D) Javeria Khan

96. State Bank of Pakistan established in:
(A) 1 Dec, 1948
(B) 1 Jan, 1948
(C) 1 July, 1948 ✔️
(D) None of these

97. Mujadad Alif Sani is the title of
(A) Syed Ahmed Shaheed
(B) Syed Ahmad Brailvi
(C) Sheik Ahmed Sirhindi ✔️
(D) None of these

98. Essence of Humanity is:
(A) Education ✔️
(B) Ethics
(C) Humiliation
(D) Normalization

99. The  book  “Wealth of Nations”  was written by:
(A) John Marshal
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Max Muller
(D) None of these ✔️

100. Communist Manifesto was originally published in which language?
(A) Greek
(B) Russian
(C) French
(D) German ✔️



مزید اہم پیپرز کے لیے ویب سایٹ وزٹ کریں



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